A 10 week paid internship designed to help college students discern if vocational ministry is the right step for them.
About the internship:
As a leadership team, we see Ephesians 4 as our primary job description: “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” The leadership of NGC are not primarily “doers” of ministry, but “equippers” of ministry and ministers. It’s with this conviction that we approach this internship. The primary goal of these 10 weeks is to help the intern answer the following question: is vocational ministry the path for me? We will find the answer to this question through ministry training, ministry experience, lectures, and time spent with the church staff.
This is a track-based internship, with the following emphases:
Kids Ministry
Media/Creative Ministry
Music Ministry
Youth Ministry
Each intern will directly report to the ministry leader in their track, spending approximately 50% of their time in their track and 50% with the entirety of the intern team.
Dates: May 18 - July 27, 2025
Transportation: Interns are responsible for their transportation to and from the internship. If you have the ability to bring a car, it is highly encouraged. Church-related transportation and expenses can be covered during the program. Portland International Airport is 15 minutes from the church facility.
Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday | 9:30am - 4:30pm
Ministry Hours: Sundays | 8am -12pm + Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evenings (depending on track)
Pay: This internship pays $3,000 for the 10-week term
Housing: Housing will be provided for all non-local interns. This may be with a host family or in church-owned apartment housing.
Deadline: Applications must be submitted by April 15, 2024
About Northwest Gospel Church:
Northwest Gospel Church is a multi-location church in the north suburbs of the Portland Metro Area. NGC exists to glorify God as a family of faith being saved by His grace. In order to live out this mission statement, we’ve identified six pillars that make up the foundation of NGC:
The Bible: We submit to the Bible as the sole authority for faith and practice.
Salvation: We believe that salvation is the sovereign work of God.
The Church: We submit to God’s design for the church.
Community: We don’t believe the Christian life can be lived alone.
The Mission: We engage the mission of God in response to God’s mission in our lives.
Gospel Trust: We equip the community of faith to pass on the faith.
In everything we do, we strive to live out of these six pillars.

Track Leader: NGC Music Minister
Track Leader: NGC Creative Pastor
Track Leader: NGC Youth Minister
Track Leader: NGC Kids Minister
Track Leader: NGC Operations Team
Track Leader: NGC Pastors
Track Leader: NGC Discipleship Minister
Track Leader: NGC Supported Missionaries